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Forum > Suggestions > Marketplace Suggestion: Signable by My Team
While reading over Jack Del Rio's simple idea for improving the league structure ( ), it occurred to me that it would be helpful if you could limit your display of FAs to those that you could sign with whatever team you're recruiting for.

-- set up dropdown to pick the team you're recruiting for
-- put a checkbox to "limit display to signable players" based on whatever criteria your team must meet in order to offer agents contracts (pee wees, cap teams, or Jack's suggestion over in epic).
Originally posted by Gongadan
While reading over Jack Del Rio's simple idea for improving the league structure ( ), it occurred to me that it would be helpful if you could limit your display of FAs to those that you could sign with whatever team you're recruiting for.

-- set up dropdown to pick the team you're recruiting for
-- put a checkbox to "limit display to signable players" based on whatever criteria your team must meet in order to offer agents contracts (pee wees, cap teams, or Jack's suggestion over in epic).


You can already do that..just set the level parameters. Not that difficult.

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