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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > NOT A BUG - CLOSED > Casual Tactics - NOT A BUG - CLOSED
I will preface this by saying my team got it's ass handed to it, and I have no problem with that, and the fact that if the tactics had stayed on task we still would have lost... and further more I am pretty sure no one gives a shit about casual tactics and if they are working or not......

but if I set up tactics as the following with "No Stick with my settings"
50% pass 50% run
50% inside 50% outside
50% left 50% right

20%short 40% Medium 40% Long

How do the ending numbers come up
22% rush 78% pass

25% inside 75% outside

50% left 50% right (only thing correct)

4% short 78% medium 18% long

I can understand some of the passing with the tactics of the QB for Open man.... who is open, who is not, which player the QB passed to, complete to set routes, etc...
But the amount of passes versus runs and left versus right? WTF? This isn't the first game this has happened with either... again those games probably not a determining factor in a win or loss but why would tactics (as a majority) not hold true to what is set if we say

Edited by VolBrian on Jun 24, 2010 08:16:29 (Closed as not a bug)
Edited by zollins5 on Jun 24, 2010 05:49:30
Edited by funpetenice on Jun 24, 2010 00:32:32
Edited by funpetenice on Jun 24, 2010 00:32:17
Edited by funpetenice on Jun 24, 2010 00:28:24
As the owner of a casual team, I definitely care. This has been covered several times, and it will probably come up a hundred more. Even with the tactics set at stick to your settins, the sim can still deviate. If you have it at zero it just takes a little longer to start deviating. In a game like that it took advantage of your 50% pass and deviated that way almost completely as that was your only chance to come back.
Is the system situational? I.e If you're 3rd and 5, and you have your tactics at 50/50, does it roll for the type of play with a 50% chance of it being a run or pass?
Edited by James.Rudi on Jun 24, 2010 06:25:24
Originally posted by zollins5
As the owner of a casual team, I definitely care. This has been covered several times, and it will probably come up a hundred more. Even with the tactics set at stick to your settins, the sim can still deviate. If you have it at zero it just takes a little longer to start deviating. In a game like that it took advantage of your 50% pass and deviated that way almost completely as that was your only chance to come back.

If that is the case Why have the option "NO stick to my settings" If it isn't going to?
Rocky Top
Originally posted by funpetenice
If that is the case Why have the option "NO stick to my settings" If it isn't going to?

That is a topic that has been brought up in suggestions a few times and it might be time to resurrect the thread, but as for this one in particular, I gotta agree with zollins. The sim will adjust for you in casual, it's just a matter of how quickly. Not a bug

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