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Forum > Suggestions > "Hardcore" Players/Leagues
I suggested this idea a while back, and it got nothing but overwhelming support only to get buried in the suggestions heap (c'mon yello...let the good suggestions get a little attention bro).

The basic idea of hardcore GLB is that agents are able to create level 79 players from scratch, in an instant. This may sound like it circumvents the whole game of GLB...don't worry, it doesn't. Hardcore players can NEVER interact with normal players (i.e. you can't create a hardcore player and sign them into WL).

Hardcore players may only play in hardcore leagues. Similarly, hardcore teams may only sign hardcore players or CPU players.

Essentially this provides a separate outlet and testing grounds for the agents of GLB to experiment with player builds, AI, and team concepts at the highest level of the sim without having to build players for 10 seasons to try them out. In addition, the versatile season-to-season format of hardcore leagues means that these players never become obsolete or nerfed because of coding changes in the sim.

Yeah, it may be confusing now, but I've bullet-pointed the rules of the hardcore players and teams below.

Hardcore Players
Creating a hardcore player is just like creating any other player with a few special rules:

-Hardcore players cost 50% normal flex cost to create (i.e. QB = 150 FP, LB = 100 FP, K/P = 50 FP, etc.), but receive no refund of flex upon retirement.
-"Free Player" cannot be used on a Hardcore player
-Hardcore players begin at level 79, with the entire pool of SP available to them and 75 Veteran Points (either create a custom "player builder" for these types of players, or just drop a crapton of SP [1400?] on them to start and let them go bananas)
-Hardcore players do not train or age
-Hardcore players can only sign with Hardcore teams
-Hardcore players must retire after a single season of service (alternatively, an agent may choose to "renew" a Hardcore player by paying the flex cost for the next season, allowing players to build career stats from season to season and keep MVP endorsements)
-Hardcore players MAY use custom equipment, at normal flex cost (and normal refund upon retirement)
-Hardcore players are given a set amount of bonus tokens (1200?) for building advanced equipment, adding SAs, or getting extra SP. They cannot use training upgrades (obviously).

Hardcore League/Teams
Runs just like a normal league with the following exceptions:

-No stadium building whatsoever
-No morale bonuses from contracts (fixed contract values)
-No season-long promotions (all teams get nachos for home games)
-Teams can only sign Hardcore players
-Same cost as a normal team (400 FP)


Financially for the Burt:
-First and foremost, it's another place that people can spend flex. With the low cost of players season to season, many agents would invest in hardcore players and teams just for the fun and open testing grounds.
-Since there is 0% refund, and free players can't be used, this means someone must've bought flex from Bortski to even get players in hardcore leagues. No spamming free multis for instant players. The low upkeep of players is enough to keep people interested and buying.

For the Peeps:
-It gives new or inexperienced agents an avenue to create and compete with level 79 toons without playing the game for 10 months only to realize their player sucks and they can't play in Pro/WL.
-Every dot has an equal number of skill points, bonus tokens, and veteran points. This means the noob who bought a Hall of Fame Package will theoretically be on an equal playing field with jdbolick, dpride, taut, etc.
-Because every dot has the same "value", success comes down to building a utilizing AI effectively, and creating player builds that mesh seamlessly well with the team's AI packages.
-Because of the low cost and low risk, agents will be able to experiment with wacky and outrageous builds and SA/VA combos, expanding the variety and diversity of gameplay in the hardcore leagues.

Edited by saintedix on Apr 30, 2012 04:08:06
while the idea is interesting. It's NGTH on many levels.

First of all, Bort has said that there will be no changes to current flex costs, or players etc added

Second of all, Catch has said there would be no leagues that restricted players to a specific league

Third of all, Bort's said no additional league types

and finally, Bort has been toying with, but ultimately decided that making full blown players from scratch is most likely NGTH

while I do think the idea is well thought out and interesting, because it's on so many NGTH, I'm going to have to lock it down. Sorry

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