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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > jrry32's State of the Game
Originally posted by blln4lyf
You already realize this, but while this is true in the current sim, it would be much better to improve QB logic and zone logic, and then debuff Ball Hawk/ZS so they are not so overpowered, which they both are, the only reason ZS isn't getting as much attention as some of the others is b.c zone without it and BH is not that strong due to the current logic in place.

Oh of course, but "fixing logic" is MUCH more complicated than just giving BH it's nerf now, and leaving ZS to make zone least until logic can be fixed. I said it wasn't the best situation, but it is an improvement over the current situation.
Originally posted by Bort
Originally posted by jrry32

Is the quicker release part on it? That would be the key to combat zones and ZS/BH.

No, that's dependent on the QB's build. Targeting likelihood is determined by play definition (and defenders nearby of course).

Well what I'm trying to say is if they do that where the QB focuses on a certain part of the route to throw to the WR Then, the release should be sped up at that time but slowed down when he's not focusing on any other part because a release is going to be much quicker if he already knows where and who he is throwing it to then it is if he is still trying to find someone open.

Originally posted by Deathblade
Originally posted by blln4lyf

I agree, it remains that VA's are extremely unbalanced though, which should be addressed at some point imo.

Oh definitely...they need a major rehaul. A lot of them are useless, and never will be useful, while some will always be overpowered unless buffed into uselessness. And some that just don't do anything (I'm looking at you Second Wind).

2nd wind is the best va for a RB, on a bad team who is stat padding.
Edited by David Stern on Aug 28, 2009 20:24:23
Originally posted by Bort
Might help a little, but if the play design tends to draw the QB toward a specific receiver every time, the play design would need an actual update to fix that issue. The thing is that the QB doesn't know exactly when a player is making his cut or when the sweet spot for his route is unless I tell him through the play definition. If the play definition lacks that data, the QB doesn't know about it and you're left going "WTF! I CAN SEE IT! WHY CAN'T HE!?!?!" It's all logic and numbers.

How hard would it be to allow for us to create our own hot spot definitions in the new Offensive Pass Play Creator?

That would be flippin' awesome Bort. I would stop complaining about your lack of love for goal line, I swear.
Originally posted by jrry32
The key to your sentence is just do... so you're basically admitting they are. And yea, they are pretty overpowered. Try playing Bonn. Bonn's a great team but there zones are too good, even when you get a guy in the soft spot, the QB never throws. Basically, you have to throw underneath all day which will usually amount to a KL or no gain.

Now you know what oc'ing against Pittsburgh is like.

Also, give me zone blitzes that work (confusing blocking and qb's)
Originally posted by bhall43
id rather see passes getting deflected...unless the WR is just that terrible. which late in their career...that shouldnt be the case.

So you would rather have 20 passes deflected than drop 10 passes? That doesn't make sense : /
Originally posted by Deathblade
Originally posted by blln4lyf

Your right, I'm just saying if QR actually buffed speed without the negative effects of bullet it would counter zone D's. Yes it would be overpowered, but then again, so is ZS right now.

Bullet passing needs some penalty...

Would you rather 10 dropped passes, or 20-30 deflected?

Still not grasping what I am stating. Yes bullet needs some penalty. I am am simply stating that if QR added a faster throw % without penalty it would actually be equal to the "strength" of ZS and BH. It shouldn't be done, but it is an unrealistic yet viable quick fix solution for the time being.
Originally posted by jonnyGoBlue
How hard would it be to allow for us to create our own hot spot definitions in the new Offensive Pass Play Creator?

That would be flippin' awesome Bort. I would stop complaining about your lack of love for goal line, I swear.

Originally posted by kurieg
Originally posted by jrry32

I totally agree like the players in the Zones following the offensive player which takes them way out of their zone.

Tbh, the metagame should be allowed to evolve.

The #1 reason zones are getting sone of you OCs is your lack of experience and personnel for dealing with it.

Zones shouldn't be that hard to play against. Should always be able to find an open area of the field for a nice gain if you play it right.

Originally posted by UsCtRoJaNs1820
I do agree though that Bort needs to hire another programmer to help him with game. But I can also understand why he wouldn't want to either. Maybe Bort can get/teach DD how to program?

I think Bort needs to take a 3 week vacation and really piss people off.
At least we'd have something to bitch about.
ZS + BH is op when everyone on a team has it, no doubt. But safeties without it are useless in the pass game, so there has to be a middle ground.
Originally posted by kurieg
Originally posted by jrry32

I totally agree like the players in the Zones following the offensive player which takes them way out of their zone.

Tbh, the metagame should be allowed to evolve.

The #1 reason zones are getting sone of you OCs is your lack of experience and personnel for dealing with it.

This is sort of true, I tried to attack your zone the realistic way...which is not the way I should attack it. I Guess I'll have to wait and see if someone can figure out how to attack is the GLB way.
Originally posted by Deathblade
So you would rather have 20 passes deflected than drop 10 passes? That doesn't make sense : /

But at the same time, it does boil down to the lameness of individual tactics.

No real life QB is going to decide before the game "I'm going to fucking rocket every pass this game", or "I'm going to aim for imaginary planes in the sky every play this game".
How about making the football skills worth something. Such as a lineman with high blocking should be a great blocker. A defender with high tackling should be a great tackler. As of now linemen need strength, agility, speed and vision. Blocking seems to not factor in any way. The same goes for tackling.

If you were to guess what a real players build would look like would you say Brian Urlacher has less than 80 tackling? Would you say that Jerry Rice has less than 100 catching? Would you say that Anthony Munoz has less than 90 blocking?

Still as of now the best linemen brag about having 120+ strength 75+ agility and 60 vision and speed. Blocking may be in the 70s to 80s but that is so secondary to all the other skills. I never heard of a WR with more than 68 catching being any good because they are generally too slow to get open. The same goes for a LB with high tackling. He most likely passed on other skills so high tackling hurts him.

How about if appropriate football skills were multipliers to physical and mental skills? Such as a defender with high tackling would be great at his job and should get in position to make more tackles so maybe all defenders should not need 100+ speed to get into position to make a play. The same would go for catching on WRs, and defensive secondary. Maybe catching could the make the defense better at covering WRs or make WRs better at getting open. I know it is a stretch but route running is only an SA not a skill. Blocking is very simple. There are tons of O linemen in real life that are weaker, slower, or not as aware as some defenders. Still good technique goes a long way in blocking.

Just some stuff to consider. It seems that this game is pure speed as of now. 100+ speed trumps everything.
Edited by AngryDragon on Aug 28, 2009 20:27:36
Originally posted by jrry32
Well what I'm trying to say is if they do that where the QB focuses on a certain part of the route to throw to the WR Then, the release should be sped up at that time but slowed down when he's not focusing on any other part because a release is going to be much quicker if he already knows where and who he is throwing it to then it is if he is still trying to find someone open.

The QB is always focusing on a player when he is throwing the ball. Therefore he'd always have a sped up release. Unless you're saying the release should only be sped up (or have a chance to) during the first X ticks after hitting that spot?

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