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Hello, I'll probably have an answer here and not in the greasemonkey forum..

I saw an old post never got answered :

Is there a scrip to show your defense as a walk through to see how you defense reacts when the ball snaps?

I also like to know if theres a script so you can know what is the defensive play during flash replays or I have to use 20 frame

Originally posted by Kboum
Hello, I'll probably have an answer here and not in the greasemonkey forum..

I saw an old post never got answered :

Is there a scrip to show your defense as a walk through to see how you defense reacts when the ball snaps?

No. Bort would have to do something like this.

Originally posted by Kboum
I also like to know if theres a script so you can know what is the defensive play during flash replays or I have to use 20 frame

Pretty sure you're limited to the Javascript replays.

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