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I have a question...why do any of you care? Buxx spent money on the game, to have fun and play. Not to earn you peoples respect. Really..who cares what people on a game think of you? Do you? Is being respected by people you most likely will never meet important to you? If so, there is this thing called a life....go get one.

I am probably one of the only female players here...and as usual men and their testosterone are being stupid. I have no idea if Buxx threw that game, or whatever you kids are whining about, but I really don't think it matters. Is it against the rules? I doubt it, and if it is..please show me where .

Sooo if he hasn't broken any rules, and is having fun playing this game the way HE wants to play it. Then you all need to get over it and come to the conclusion that this game does not revolve around YOU. Sorry, did that hurt your egos a little?

Now shud up already! Thank you, that is all.
Must be Bux's Mom replying after she caught him!!!!
LOL wow, I haven't seen such an elementary comment since...well elementary school. Run along and play now, before I call your mommy too

And how about don't post if you aren't smart enough to think of anything relevant to say? Sounds good to me
Last edited Sep 10, 2008 12:13:48
4th Quarter

I could not have imagined a more condescending post. Are you really so righteous? If nothing here matters, then why are you so bothered by us ripping on Buxx? We're just having fun because a guy did something cowardly. What's wrong with that? Stop trying to shit all over everyone's good time by telling us what to do. Has the hypocrisy in your post occurred to you yet?! Why dont you get a life and stop telling strangers on the internet what to do and how to act. It's just a game on the internet and I dont really care, but this is a community game, so when you act with no dignity or class, the community will turn on you. Leave it to a girl to have no concept of fair play. Now I know why they call it sportsMANship.


ps, I can smell your vagina from here. Go take a shower.
So we shouldn't care what people on a game think of us, but we should care what people we meet should think of us? Where's the line? What's the difference? Are you the type of person who only wishes to gain a person's respect when it can somehow benefit yourself?
Last edited Sep 10, 2008 12:14:52
4th Quarter
Originally posted by Jodas
LOL wow, I haven't seen such an elementary comment since...well elementary school. Run along and play now, before I call your mommy too

How about don't post if you aren't smart enough to think of anything relevant to say? Sounds good to me

My post was both smart and childishly offensive. I hopefully you approve. What ever shall I do if you dont approve of me!
Last edited Sep 10, 2008 12:19:02
2nd account?
4th Quarter, Buxx is a friend of mine, who I have known for years. None of you know him, yet you want to sit here and make assumptions and call names. I find that immature, and your post here proves your immaturity. 'I can smell your vagina from here', wow aren't you original. Want to talk about dignity and class? How about you get some first

I'm not bothered, but as I said before I find it a tad immature and pointless, but I will stick up for my friends . So what, you can post your thoughts but I can't? Oooh is this a sexist thing? Grow up a little lol.

JSin, you don't know the difference between online people and people you meet in real life? Ok...I'm not sure I can provide you with the help you really require lol. Online people are just like passerbys in the mall. Why try to impress or get respect from them? They don't matter. So if you dance around like a moron, and they all see you...who cares. Same thing online, if people from a 'community' online..don't like you...who cares. Only thing that matters are your friends and family....fuck the rest
Originally posted by bashemgud
2nd account?

All I have to say to that is LMFAO!!
4th Quarter
Your real life friend pulled a cowardly move in a community oriented game and now he's getting ripped by the community for being a coward. There's no injustice here.

...and you started the sexist thing when you came in proclaiming we're all stupid boys with testosterone. How did you think we would react to your uppity, condescending holier than thou tone? Did you think we'd all agree that we're all total morons and thank you for helping us see the righteous path?
Originally posted by Jodas
I have a question...why do any of you care? Buxx spent money on the game, to have fun and play. Not to earn you peoples respect. Really..who cares what people on a game think of you? Do you? Is being respected by people you most likely will never meet important to you? If so, there is this thing called a life....go get one.

I am probably one of the only female players here...and as usual men and their testosterone are being stupid. I have no idea if Buxx threw that game, or whatever you kids are whining about, but I really don't think it matters. Is it against the rules? I doubt it, and if it is..please show me where .

Sooo if he hasn't broken any rules, and is having fun playing this game the way HE wants to play it. Then you all need to get over it and come to the conclusion that this game does not revolve around YOU. Sorry, did that hurt your egos a little?

Now shud up already! Thank you, that is all.

Jodas's concern about the conduct of the Canada A #3 League is remarkable considering she (or he?) doesn't have players in this conference.... Either "Jodas" is an alias and she/he is a Ram in sheep's clothing, or she/he truly has no life. Or Both.
4th Quarter
Can you tell me there's no hypocrisy in your post?

You got upset at how your friend was being ripped on the internet. So you come here and tell us to stop getting upset over things on the internet.
Originally posted by Jodas
4th Quarter, Buxx is a friend of mine, who I have known for years. None of you know him, yet you want to sit here and make assumptions and call names. I find that immature, and your post here proves your immaturity. 'I can smell your vagina from here', wow aren't you original. Want to talk about dignity and class? How about you get some first

I'm not bothered, but as I said before I find it a tad immature and pointless, but I will stick up for my friends . So what, you can post your thoughts but I can't? Oooh is this a sexist thing? Grow up a little lol.

JSin, you don't know the difference between online people and people you meet in real life? Ok...I'm not sure I can provide you with the help you really require lol. Online people are just like passerbys in the mall. Why try to impress or get respect from them? They don't matter. So if you dance around like a moron, and they all see you...who cares. Same thing online, if people from a 'community' online..don't like you...who cares. Only thing that matters are your friends and family....fuck the rest

"known him for years" i.e. all your life, because you are buxx, perhaps?
Originally posted by Jodas

JSin, you don't know the difference between online people and people you meet in real life? Ok...I'm not sure I can provide you with the help you really require lol. Online people are just like passerbys in the mall.

What would happen if you met a passerby in the mall in real life? Would that cause a paradox and cause the universe to collapse in on itself since there is a difference between online people and people you meet, but online people are like people you pass by in the mall. Oh the confusion!

Originally posted by Jodas
Same thing online, if people from a 'community' online..don't like you...who cares. Only thing that matters are your friends and family....fuck the rest

So why do you care so much? I thought you were above all of this.

And it's really ridiculous that you're even taking these stances in this thread defending your friend. While that's an honorable thing to do in real life:

1) If you've EVER been in any sort of internet community, MMORPG or just regular talk thread, you need to realize that people flame ALL THE TIME. It's just one of those things and if people can't deal with it, they should get the fuck out.

2) Your friend may not have cheated, but he did not play in the spirit of the game. Lots of people said the Patriots didn't "cheat" last season when they spied on the defensive play callings of the other team, but that sure as hell wasn't in the spirit of the game.

The long and the short of it is: if you cheat, you get banned by the admins. If you don't play in the spirit of the game, you get flamed on the boards. Deal with it.
4th Quarter
ps, Tell Buxx that we think he's even more of a coward for having you come to his defense when he hasnt once shown his face on these boards since it all went down.

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