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Forum > Suggestions > Player Height Weight???
The Wolf
I dont like the steep costs involved for a measly pound but i do like the concept.
anybody else have any opinions about my idea?
Originally posted by Jed
Just as long as we're all getting wiped after this season....I don't wanna be stuck with a bunch of shorties who are below the league minimum

Wait, a wipe? i hope that doesnt mean the cash i spent will be wiped away with all my FP.........
Originally posted by Just Osmo
Originally posted by Jed

Just as long as we're all getting wiped after this season....I don't wanna be stuck with a bunch of shorties who are below the league minimum

Wait, a wipe? i hope that doesnt mean the cash i spent will be wiped away with all my FP.........

That was before the start of season 1 check the dates
not a bad idea to solve the weight issue.

Personally I am more concerned with the fact that my QB is 5"11" and I did not know that would be an issue since it was randomnly selected. Now that I have been frequenting this site regularly I know that height has an impact on the play of my QB, and 5'11" is obviously not ideal for that situation.

What about this possible solution - let the system randomnly assign the height and weight, and it would impact the players starting point for skill sets. For example, the shorter QB would start out with 11 speed and 7 vision. The taller QB would start with 7 speed and 11 vision. That way I can still assign flex points to make my midget a great pocket passer. Right now i think the starting skill points are also randomn.

I guess my idea is essentially the same yours jpriet, in that in the end this wont hurt your players performance. WHAT SUCKS IS THAT MY PLAYER WITH 20 VISION WOULD UNDERPERFORM ANOTHER WITH 20 VISION BECAUSE THE SYSTEM RANDOMNLY MADE HIM SHORT!
As long as there are positives and negatives for both height and weight, then I think the random assignments are okay.

A tall QB should definitely have higher vision, and a short QB should negatively affect the opposing team's vision. After all, how can you read what the QB is going to do if you can't see the quarterback?

Look at Doug Flutie. The man was short and therefore defenses had so much trouble sacking him, reading him, because he was well hidden behind his offensive line. Pass rushers couldn't find him.

For every position there are positives and negatives to height and weight, as there should be in this game.
Originally posted by The Wolf
I dont like the steep costs involved for a measly pound but i do like the concept.

I actually think it's a good idea for the steep costs, otherwise it would be extremely easy for all the defensive tackles and offensive guards to be huge.

Remember, if you're undersized for your height and position, then 1 pound is only 1 skill point. If you use a skill point on your weight for every level you gain, by the time you're level 20 (usually by your 3rd season), you'll have gained 20 pounds. A 298 pound OT would be 318. Not a bad jump for the effort, but still an effort nonetheless.

I think it's important to make it difficult to change your weight for two reasons:

1. So not to make all the fat people on this board feel bad about themselves being able to lose weight so easily in this game.

2. So to retain the measure of variety of different weighted players. Otherwise, every offensive guard is going to be huge.
Interesting ideas but unless the benefits and drawbacks of weight are shown I wouldn;t put skill points into weight. If you knew what the benefits and drawbacks were to increasing and decreasing weight then perhaps that would be ok. Another suggestion is to allow the player to have a more drastic change between seasons (for example perhaps a change of upto 15lb in weight).

Another idea I suppose would be to link the weight with the current training system. Strength would be an obviosu one to increase weight, but I guess Stamina and Speed would encourage weight loss as well. Perhaps certain training could be linked to weight control that way. I suppose an example would make it easier:

ok, let's say you have your base stats as 6" 1' and 220lb. Every point in Strength adds 2 pounds to your weight, and every point in speed and stamina minus 1 pound to your weight. So if you have a Strength of 30, a speed of 15 and Stamina of 20 your weight would be calculated as follows:

Base Weight (220) + 2xStrength (30X2) - Speed (15) - Stamina (20) = Weight (245lb)

Perhaps it could work anyway and as all 3 stats are probably going to reflect positions (most need decent stamina and some positions will need more strength while others will need more speed) it should kind of make the weights balance for each position as well. The Base Weight would be random still at Character Generation (or possibly the amount could be changed during off seasons as well).

Anyway, a few ideas!!!
Apple Dapple

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